15 Strong Women Break Stereotypes About How the Body “Should” Look

There are women out there who are challenging societal norms and breaking free from the constraints of what the media tells us we “should” look like. These 15 women are not just strong physically, but also mentally and emotionally as they pave the way for body positivity and self-love. Their stories are inspiring, empowering, and proof that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to the human body.

1. “To trim or not to trim…. That is the question…”

2. “Call me Ariel and hand me a Dinglehopper because I’m a mermaid.”

3. “I’ve struggled with body image my whole life, but I’m realizing I kind of look like those statues of Ancient Greek women.”

4. “I was always worried about my big stomach in jumpsuits, but I finally figured out that I look good.”

5. All bodies are beautiful, including everything that makes you feel comfortable.

6. At the end of the day what’s important is that you feel great in your body.

7. “Only 4 more days till we meet the trio! So itchy!”

8. “I’m beautiful and I love my body!”

9. “This is a reminder to you all that you can have cellulite and spider veins and still be hot!”

10. “I ordered this corset top for my wedding this summer. I’ll definitely be rocking the hairy pits for the ceremony/reception.”

11. “Finally getting happy with my body.”

12. “Love my dress, learning to also love my body.”

13. Lizzo explains: “I love normalizing my black elbows. I think it’s beautiful.”


14. Tyra Banks is happy with her body: “My body is fuller. And so is my mind.”

15. “You are more than your body, and you get to decide what beauty is,” model Iskra Lawrence believes.


Check out these articles too, to get your daily dose of inspiration:

Preview photo credit tyrabanks / Instagram

Embracing Inclusivity in Collegiate Sports

In a recent interview with Sports Illustrated, collegiate swimmer Lia Thomas bravely expressed, “I am a woman, just like anybody else on the team.” While Lia’s gender identity may differ from her teammates, it is crucial to foster an atmosphere of inclusivity and respect within collegiate sports. Let’s explore this topic further and understand the importance of embracing diversity.

It’s understandable that some may question Lia’s gender identity due to biological differences. However, it’s vital to remember that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and acceptance. Transgender individuals, like Lia, have faced long-standing challenges in society, and it is our duty to create an environment where they can compete and thrive without prejudice.

Lia’s courage in claiming her identity as a woman sheds light on the broader issue of entitlement that transgender individuals often encounter. While the transgender rights movement initially sought acceptance and equality, it is unfortunate that the discourse has shifted towards privilege and precedence. However, it is essential to separate these debates from the overarching goal of combating discrimination and ensuring civil rights for all individuals.

Transgender individuals, including Lia, should not face harassment or discrimination. At the same time, it is crucial to strike a balance that upholds social standards and respects scientific knowledge. We must honor the diversity of gender identities while maintaining the understanding of the biological expectations traditionally associated with female athletes.

As we navigate these discussions, it is essential to foster understanding and empathy. Disagreements should be handled with respect and open dialogue. Demonizing anyone who disagrees only hinders progress and creates division within society. Instead, we should strive for equality, inclusivity, and respect for every individual, regardless of their gender identity.

Let us work together to create a collegiate sports environment that celebrates diversity and provides equal opportunities for all athletes. By embracing inclusivity and challenging outdated norms, we can build a better, more accepting future.

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