Dog left heartbroken after being surrendered to shelter after 2 years: “He doesn’t understand where his person went”

It’s always heartbreaking when dogs are surrendered to shelters by their owners. These dogs are upended from the only home they’ve never known, confused about why they’re in these new surroundings without their familiar family.

That’s what one video shows, after a dog was surrendered by his family after 2 years — but beneath the heartbreak, there is hope.

Last month, a dog named Carlton was surrendered to Special Pals animal shelter in Houston, Texas, by the owners he had been with for 2 years.

Shelter director Becky French posted a video of the 2-year-old mixed breed dog on TikTok, showing Carlton’s heartbreak and confusion in his first day at the shelter.

“He doesn’t understand where his person went,” Becky wrote. “He kept returning to the spot his owner sat with him before leaving.”

The video also shows the dog refusing to take a treat or even look at the staff. he is scared. Confused,” Becky wrote. “This is what your dog goes through when they go back to a shelter.”

Despite the heartbreak, Becky wrote that they were able to “get some happy moments” out of the surrendered dog, and hope that he finds a new forever home soon.

“Don’t worry buddy. You are safe and will find a new home someday.”

It’s always a rough transition, but there are signs that Carlton — now known as “Posty” is acclimating well to shelter life. In a follow-up video, Becky said that they learned he is “obsessed with balls,” and he can be seen happily playing with shelter staff.

Despite the heartbreak he went through, he has improved and is “a happy boy now,” Becky wrote.

He is still up for adoption and waiting for a home — if you are interested in adopting, you can reach out to Special Pals via their adoption page.

Becky also shared an Amazon wish list for anyone who wants to buy an item for Carlton/Posty, which includes many of his favorite balls.

It’s heartbreaking to see this sweet dog surrendered to the shelter, suddenly losing the only home he’s ever known, but we hope that Carlton/Posty finds a great new home soon.

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A Wrestler’s Choice: Sticking to His Beliefs

Making sacrifices for your beliefs and sticking up for what you believe in is admirable. The 18-year-old Colorado native and former high school wrestler Brendan Johnston is all too familiar with this. Brendan made a risky choice in 2018 that essentially put a stop to his high school wrestling career. He declined to compete in two state tournament matches against female opponents, citing personal and religious convictions as his justification.

In recent years, the question of whether it is fair to compete physically between adult males and adult girls has gained more and more attention. Many people think it’s unjust to expect men and women to compete on an equal footing because they are fundamentally different from one other, both biologically and in other ways.

Brendan objected to the thought of going up against Skyview High’s Jaslynn Gallegos in the state tournament’s opening round. He also declined to take part in his consolation match against Valley High’s Angel Rios in the third round as a senior at Colorado Springs’ Classical Academy. An interview with KDVR provided a Christian explanation of Brendan’s choice. He said he felt it was too violent and physically uncomfortable to wrestle with a girl. He added that his background and religious beliefs had influenced how he saw women’s roles and distinctions from men.

It’s critical to remember that Brendan’s choice has repercussions. He finished sixth in the tournament while Jaslynn and Angel finished fourth and fifth, respectively, as a result of not wrestling the two females.

While acknowledging Brendan’s decision, Jaslynn voiced her disappointment at not being able to challenge him. Her gender doesn’t define her ability; she views herself first and foremost as a wrestler. She is aware, nevertheless, that social judgments can still hinder her.

Brendan made a contentious decision that sparked debates and dissenting views. How do you feel about Brendan’s choice not to engage in a wrestling match with a female? We would be delighted to hear your opinions.

To learn more about Brendan’s choice and its effects, watch this video:

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