STEVE HARVEY: “The God I Serve Didn’t Bring Me This Far To Leave Me.”

Steve Harvey suffered a major blow to his career when NBC cancelled his chat show “Steve” despite the show’s success and high ratings. Harvey refused to let this break him; he drew strength from his religion and famously said, “The God I serve didn’t bring me this far to leave me.” His strong message about resilience and trusting in a divine plan was his answer to the show’s cancelation.

In an Instagram video that went viral, Harvey expressed his conviction that opportunities always seem to present themselves at the end of the tunnel. Everything that happens, even the cancellation of his show, is a stepping stone on the road to self-improvement, he said.

Realizing that setbacks lead to opportunities for growth, this perspective echoes a more universal belief that trials should fortify rather than weaken one’s faith.

Didn’t realize I’ve been doing it wrong the entire time! Gonna try this tonight

Sleeping position matters more than most realize, given the time we spend in bed. Sleeping on your side is popular and pleasant for many, but this small change can have a significant impact on your health. Understanding your sleeping posture can lead to better sleep quality and overall health benefits.

Improved Digestion and Heart Health: “Sleeping on your left side helps improve digestion” and “relieves pressure on the heart,” making it easier for blood to circulate. This can be particularly beneficial for those with heart issues.

Reduced Snoring and Sleep Apnea: Side sleeping “can help keep the airways open,” reducing snoring and easing sleep apnea. This simple shift can lead to more restful nights.

Relief of Back and Neck Pain: Proper spine alignment is crucial for reducing discomfort. Sleeping on your side promotes a “more neutral spine position,” potentially easing back and neck pain.

Pregnancy Benefits: Pregnant women are advised to sleep on their left side as it “promotes circulation to the heart” and increases blood flow to the fetus.

Making a small change, like moving to side sleeping, can significantly improve your well-being. Try it tonight and see the benefits for yourself.

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