Woman turns her home into hospice for old shelter dogs so they don’t die alone

Even the dogs that may not have much time left should have a loving home. Even though younger puppies frequently take precedence over older dogs, older dogs should have a permanent home to live out their days.

However, one woman has dedicated her life to providing these elderly shelter dogs with a loving final home, converting her house into a sanctuary that is currently home to 80 senior animals.

The 44-year-old Valerie Reid of Hermitage, Missouri, was motivated to care for elderly dogs after a life event made her aware of the challenges that animals encounter as they age.

As her father battled cancer, SWNS reported that she found it difficult to find a place for her dad’s elderly Doberman. She discovered that no other rescue would take her and that she was already over the city’s pet limit, so she was unable to adopt the dog.

Because of her age, no rescue would take her home, Valerie said, “We looked everywhere for any rescue that would help.”

At last, she managed to find the Doberman a foster home on a farm that took special care of elderly dogs. The dog had a happy ending and lived in peace for an additional year and a half in their care; Valerie found inspiration from the experience that opened her eyes.

She told SWNS, “It got me thinking about what happens to senior dogs who were once beloved pets.” “I became aware of how many dogs there were in need of assistance… It is a genuinely overlooked area in the rescue industry.


Thus, in 2017, Whispering Willows elderly Dog Sanctuary—a non-profit sanctuary for elderly dogs—was established by Valerie and her spouse, Josh. They purchased a 3,000 square foot house near Hermitage, which provided ample space for dozens of canines to pass away peacefully and comfortably.

Dogs older than 12 are accepted. She said to Ozarks First, “Sometimes special needs, sometimes hospice.” “On sometimes, all they come to us for is a place to lay their head and die.”

She clarified that a large number of the dogs had histories of cruelty and neglect, citing the discovery of Peanut, a dog, chained up amid a scorching heat wave.

She said to KY3, “When they come in, they’re very broken-hearted, emotionally or physically.”

Valerie, however, states that her intention is to provide them with a sense of normalcy and trust, as well as a secure permanent residence in which to live out their last days.

“They stay once they arrive. They’re not required to go. Since this is their permanent home, they won’t experience any more stress or loss.

“They know they’re safe when they arrive.”

Over the years, the rescue has expanded significantly; according to SWNS, the hospice currently houses 80 dogs at a time and employs 17 full-time staff members to care for the dogs.

“The sanctuary really grew and expanded beyond my wildest expectations. I adore having so many tiny hearts that reciprocate our love.

According to Valerie, over the years, they have taken care of 790 pets. Because of their advanced age, the dogs frequently die—roughly five of them perish each week, while the same number are adopted.

Valerie takes delight in providing these creatures with a nice environment to pass away, even if her profession can be depressing at times.

“Our goal is to assist individuals in getting ready for their final moments; none of us can predict the future,” she stated to SWNS. We get to bid our seniors farewell in style and with affection. While loving and caring for children is an honor, it hurts nonetheless.

A Man Who Was Called “The Tree Man” Was Able to Hold His Daughter Again After Many Surgeries

“The Tree Man” is a man whose life has been defined by a rare malformation in his hands. Once dubbed for his distinctive condition, he has undergone numerous surgeries, overcoming tremendous challenges on his journey. Now, with unwavering determination and the skilled hands of medical professionals, he has reclaimed a simple yet profound joy—holding his daughter once again.

Abul Bajandar has a rare condition called ’Tree Man’ Syndrome.

Abul Bajandar, a man hailing from Bangladesh, is afflicted with an extraordinary and rare condition known as ’Tree Man’ Syndrome. This hereditary condition, though non-contagious, is unfortunately incurable, and surgical interventions offer only temporary relief. Abul is not alone in his struggle, as there are others worldwide grappling with the challenges posed by this syndrome.

This syndrome manifests through the development of wart-like skin growths that bear a striking resemblance to tree bark. These growths, while initially small, have the potential to grow significantly in size, resulting in considerable disability for those affected.

He has it from a young age.

The onset of his condition began during adolescence, with small warts appearing on his body at the age of 13-14. Regrettably, as he advanced in age, the affliction rapidly escalated, affecting various parts of his body.

After 16 surgeries he was able to hold his daughter again.

After undergoing a series of 16 surgeries between 2016 and 2017 at Dhaka Medical College Hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Abul Bajandar achieved a poignant milestone—he could once again hold his daughter. The surgical procedures aimed to remove the bark-like lesions from his hands and feet, offering a glimmer of hope in his battle against Tree Man Syndrome.

Bajandar shared the profound joy he experiences spending time with his daughters, emphasizing, “If I recover from this, I want to work again, to build a small business to help my daughters in her studies and to give them a good life.” These words reflect not only his determination to overcome the challenges posed by his rare condition but also his unwavering commitment to providing a better future for his family.

Throughout Abul Bajandar’s challenging journey with Tree Man Syndrome, he draws strength from the unwavering support of his wife and mother. In the face of the condition’s recurrence, their steadfast presence provides him with comfort and encouragement. Bajandar reflects on the transformative power of fatherhood, sharing, “When my daughter was born, she brought me the hope of life again. I didn’t want to leave her as an orphan. I felt like I must live for her.”

Abul Bajandar’s condition returned but he remains hopeful.

Despite facing the disheartening recurrence of his condition, Abul Bajandar maintains a resilient sense of hope. Doctors, initially uncertain about the possibility of the condition’s return, witnessed its reappearance. Undeterred, Bajandar expresses his unwavering optimism, declaring, “My only dream is to recover from this situation and live a healthy life.”

His poignant words reflect not only the personal challenges he endures but also a universal desire for health and well-being. Bajandar’s enduring hope shines through as he states, “All I can say is that I truly believe and hope that a cure exists for this disease.” In the face of adversity, his spirit remains unbroken, embodying the strength of individuals confronting rare and challenging medical conditions.

Another person born with a rare condition has defied societal norms and emerged as a symbol of extraordinary resilience. Meet the girl affectionately referred to as “Voldemort” due to being born without a nose.

Preview photo credit Tansh / Alamy Stock PhotoZUMA Press, Inc. / Alamy Stock Photo

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