A Florida man was arrested for displaying an obscene bumper sticker on the back of his truck, one that either expressed his sexual preferences, or his love for a four-legged animal.
After Dillon Shane Webb was told the sticker was “derogatory,” he claimed his freedom of expression was violated, and the deputy’s office asked if he was using his free speech to express his desire of “eating a donkey.”
Keep reading to learn why Webb was arrested over a bumper sticker!
In 2019, a Columbia County sheriff’s deputy was driving behind a pickup truck when he noticed a vulgar sticker plastered on the middle of the rear window.
Dashcam footage shows Deputy Travis English stopping his cruiser in a parking lot behind the brown pickup, operated by Dillon Shane Webb, 23, with the bumper sticker in clear view.
The letters on the sticker – printed in bold white – reads, “I EAT A**.”
In the video, the deputy approaches the passenger side of the truck and after saying, “hello gentleman,” he explains that he pulled the car over due to “the derogatory sticker” displayed on the back of his truck.
In Florida, law prohibits “any sticker, decal emblem or other device attached to a motor vehicle containing obscene descriptions, photographs or depictions.”
“How’s it derogatory?” Webb asks from inside the car.
The officer replies, “How’s it not derogatory?”
“Some 10-year-old kid sitting in the passenger seat of his momma’s vehicle looks over and sees ‘I eat a**’ and asks his mom what it means,” English says. “How is she going to explain that?”
Sniping back, the driver provides the wrong answer: “That’s the parent’s job, not my job,” Webb says before he’s asked to present his driver’s license and registration.
After stepping out of the vehicle, Webb is searched, and the deputy tells him the sticker is a “misdemeanor violation of Florida’s obscene materials law.”
“I have four kids…if my 6-year-old was to look at me and like, ‘dad what does I eat a** mean?…he’s curious…and the way [you] handled this situation, I’m not pleased with,” English said before offering Webb the opportunity to explain his sticker to the court system.
Next, the deputy suggests Webb remove one of the letters from the word “A**” to read “AS.” But Webb refused, citing his constitutional right to free speech.
A few minutes later, things take a nasty turn for Webb.
After confirming with his supervisor that he had reasonable rights within the law, English steps out of his cruiser and approaches Webb, who’s leaning against his car, looking at his cellphone.
“All right Mr. Webb. Place your hands behind your back,” Webb is told. When he asks “why?” he learns “because you’re going to jail.”
Asking “for what?” English explains that he was given “the option to take that off” the window, but he “refused.”
He was then arrested and charged with the additional offense of “resisting an officer without violence.”
‘Perverted mind’
“They’re just words,” Webb later told First Coast News. “If that’s how they feel, if they have a perverted mind, that’s on them.”
But according to Sergeant Murray Smith of the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office, it wasn’t just the words on the sticker that Deputy English determined was illegal.
“It was the obscene phrase depicting what the deputy thought was a sexual act, which is obscene by definition,” said Smith. “What would a reasonable citizen think? Is the guy eating a donkey or is he doing a sexual act?”
The incident captured the attention of a lot of social media users, the majority who defended Webb.
“So what if he eats donkey. What’s the big deal?” asks one netizen. Another, referring to English speaking of his child’s potential reaction to the sticker, says, “Since when are a cop’s feelings deserving of an arrest?”
“I live here and as soon as we heard he got arrested we all went and got the sticker and put it on [our] trucks,” pens a third.
Another adds, “He better keep his kids off the internet. They will see far worse than this.”
The State Attorney’s Office cited the First Amendment and the charges against Webb were dropped. Later, Webb sued for alleged violations of his First Amendment and Fourth Amendment rights, but U.S. District Judge Marcia Morales Howard of the Middle District of Florida ruled that the arrest was “arguably justified under Florida’s obscenity law,” giving the officer and his supervisor “qualified immunity,” which means they are protected from the lawsuit.
This case underscores the ongoing debate in the U.S. over free speech and its boundaries, especially around expressions some might find offensive or derogatory. It also reflects how the First Amendment remains a contentious issue, with some insisting their right to free expression is under threat, while others argue for consideration that certain messages will have on the population.
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Man Who Was Adopted 60 Years Ago Learns He Has 4 Carbon Copies

A 60-year-old man is shocked when a perfect stranger walks up to him in a restaurant and calls him a cheater — and discovers he has several siblings.
Phillip Granger decided he must have one of those common faces because as far back as he could remember, people had been coming up to him and mistaking him for other men.
It wasn’t much of a consolation that his wife thought him handsome when everyone seemed to think he was commonplace. Things came to a head when Phillip was 60 years old and out to dinner with his wife.
Phillip and Mara were out to dinner celebrating a business deal that she’d pulled off at one of their favorite restaurants. He was holding his wife’s hand and leaning over to kiss her when a woman suddenly walked up to them.
“So you had to work tonight?” she screamed. “You had an emergency surgery? You CHEAT! We are over!” She dashed her glass of wine on Phillip’s face and walked off.
Phillip mopped up the red wine with his napkin and shook his head. “I’m sorry honey,” he said to Mara. “I don’t know what’s going on!” But Mara was on her feet and following the woman out of the restaurant.
Incredible things happen to ordinary people every day.
“Excuse me,” Mara said when she caught up with the woman. “Please, can you tell me what’s going on?”

Phillip and his wife were having dinner when something extraordinary happened. | Source: Pexels
“Who are you?” the woman asked angrily. “His girlfriend?”
“No,” Mara replied. “I’m his wife.”
“He’s MARRIED?” the woman cried. “I swear it’s the last time I date a doctor! Dr. Ralf Gois! I should have known!”
“My husband’s name is Phillip Granger,” Mara said. “And he’s not a doctor.”

“You CHEAT! We are over!” | Source: Unsplash
The woman looked embarrassed. “Oh my God!” she gasped. “But he looks EXACTLY like Ralf! Like a twin!” By the time the woman left, Mara had Dr. Ralf Gois’ phone number.
“Listen, Phil,” she said. “This is very strange. That woman said this Ralf looks exactly like you, like a twin. You were adopted, so maybe this guy IS your twin.”
Phillip was excited. He’d grown up in a loving home, but his life had always felt empty as if something was missing — and now the idea of a twin seemed to somehow ring a chime in his heart. That was what was missing! A sibling!
“He may be just a lookalike,” Phillip protested, but he allowed Mara to talk him into phoning Ralf and setting up a meeting. “Hello,” he said. “You don’t know me, my name is Phillip Granger, and I think we look alike…”

Phillip discovered he looked exactly like a man called Ralf Gois. | Source: Unsplash
That very afternoon, Phil and Ralf met and it was like looking into a mirror. They were identical, and after a short conversation, they discovered that they were both adopted, born at the same hospital on the same day!
The two men couldn’t stop laughing and crying and hugging each other. Ralf had never married, his parents were deceased, and finding a brother was a dream come true.
Then Ralf said, “Hey Phil, we can find our mother! We were born at the hospital where I work, and I know they’ve put all their records into the computers…All I have to do is punch in our birth date!”
The two men rushed to the hospital where Ralf led his newfound twin to his office and accessed the hospital records. “Easy as pie,” he cried excitedly, then Phil saw his brother’s face turn white as snow.

At the hospital, Ralf accessed the birth records. | Source: Unsplash
“Ralf?” he asked. “Are you OK? Did you find her?” Ralf looked up at Phil with huge glazed eyes and nodded dumbly. “Come on, what’s her name?” Phil cried impatiently.
“Janet Corbin,” he whispered. “But Phil…”
“That’s great!” Phil said grinning. “So what’s the problem?”
“There’s five of us…” Ralf gasped. “FIVE!”

They discovered that there were five of them. | Source: Unsplash
Phil and Ralf took a selfie together and put it on their Instagram accounts, told their story, and appealed to anyone who thought they looked like someone they knew to come forward: “Help us find our brothers!”
The messages flooded in and soon Ralf and Phil met Tom and Gordon — and their reunion was incredible. They were all identical! Mara told Phil that seeing him with his brothers made her feel dizzy.
“Mara,” Phil said quietly. “I’ve never felt so happy or complete in my life — but there’s still one of us missing!”
The four brothers took another selfie and repeated their appeal, and by then, their story had gone national with TV stations calling them for interviews. Then one evening, the missing brother appeared, but he wasn’t alone.

The four brothers were having dinner when the doorbell rang | Source: Unsplash
Ralf, Phil, Tom, and Gordon were having dinner at Phil’s house when the doorbell rang and Mara got up to answer it. She came back with a huge smile on her face.
“Who was it?” asked Phil.
“Actually,” said Mara, “it’s you…” and she stepped aside so the four men could see the last quintuple, who was exactly like his brothers. “This is David…”
David walked into the middle of his brothers, but he wasn’t alone. By his side was a tiny elderly woman. “This,” David said, “is mom.”

The quintuplets were reunited with their mother. | Source: Unsplash
The woman had tears in her eyes. “I’m Janet Corbin,” she said. “And I’m so sorry, so sorry…”
Janet explained that she’d been just 16 when she’d fallen pregnant, and when she gave birth to quintuplets, she was terrified.
Janet’s mother had pressured her into giving away four of the babies and keeping one to raise, and so she did — but she had never forgotten her sons. Now, after nearly sixty years, her family was reunited, and her sons were healed.
What can we learn from this story?
- Family is the most important thing in the world. Phillip had always felt that something was missing from his life until he found his brothers.
- Incredible things happen to ordinary people every day. Phil had never imagined something so extraordinary could happen to him — until it did!
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