If you see a purple fence post, you need to know what it means

As the weather warms and you start to venture outside, be careful where you walk.

If you come across a purple fence post, it’s best to stay away.

A purple fence post is meant to send a message to anyone who comes across it, and that message is: No trespassing!

While property owners have the option of hanging a sign to indicate private property,

signs can deteriorate over time while paint will last a lot longer and still convey the same message.

In 1987 Arkansas became the first state to implement a purple paint law. Currently,

22 states have laws allowing landowners to mark the perimeter of their property with purple paint.

However, while some states use different color paint – Idaho and Montana use orange paint – the idea is the same.

At first many governments required landowners use purple paint and signs, but overtime signage was no longer required.

However, if you live in one of the 28 states that does not have a purple paint law, you may be unfamiliar with its meaning.

A painted post or tree means no trespassing.

In order to comply with the law, the purple stripe must be 3′ to 5′ off the ground and at least 8″ long and 1″ wide.

The markings must not be more than 100′ apart.

Please share this story to make sure everyone knows about the purple paint law.

Farmer finds giant egg but what was inside was even more puzzling

When an Australian farmer went to pick up his chickens’ daily eggs, he had the shock of his life.

Three times the size of a typical egg and weighing 6.2 ounces, a huge egg had been deposited by one of his hens.

A free-range chicken at Stockman’s Eggs on the Atherton Tablelands in north Queensland laid the babushka egg.

The company’s owner, Scott Stockman, shared a picture of the amazing find he and his employees made at the farm.

It appears really strange when compared to an ordinary-sized egg, but what was possibly even stranger was what they discovered after they cracked the egg.

There was another egg, properly formed, inside the egg.

“Having two perfectly formed eggs together is just incredible,” Scott told ABC News Australia.

It was the first of its kind, according to a veterinary sciences expert from Charles Sturt University.

According to Associate Professor Raf Freire, the hen must have normally developed an egg but for some reason chose not to lay it.

Then, he told ABC News, “instead of that egg being laid, as it usually is, what’s happened is that another ovum has been released.”

That has fallen, and the chicken has inexplicably chosen to form a shell around both the egg from the day before and the recently fallen ovum.

Although the experts said that eating the egg would have been safe, Scott told ABC News that they receive 50,000 eggs per day and therefore “didn’t bother eating it.”

Quite incredible, don’t you think? If you thought this story was amazing too, tell your friends about it on Facebook!

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