Kids Mock Needy Classmate for Cheap Halloween Costume until Principal Shows up Wearing the Same — Story of the Day

This story beautifully highlights the values of empathy, kindness, and standing up for others. Levi’s journey from feeling ashamed to experiencing pride and joy in his handmade costume shows the power of genuine care and family love over material things. His parents’ efforts and the principal’s encouragement turn what seemed like a setback into a celebration of uniqueness and hard work.

The principal’s thoughtful support sends a strong message to Levi and his classmates about respect, resilience, and the importance of not judging others based on what they own. It’s a touching reminder that the value of something made with love is far greater than anything money can buy. And Levi’s generous, forgiving heart at the end is truly inspiring, teaching kids to choose kindness and understanding above all else.

This would make a great feel-good read for families, especially around Halloween!

He tells 11 horses to line up, and then he says, “Watch the middle horse.”

Some of the things these horses can do, I didn’t even know were possible.

The video below is a collection of training and behind-the-scenes footage of the Budweiser Clydesdales horses from over 15 years.

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