As a handsome carpenter, Ty Pennington rose to fame; nevertheless, he no longer looks the same. Regretfully, the 58-year-old celebrity has experienced criticism and bullying on social media. He has been dubbed “disgusting,” “fat,” and “gross” by others. Ty finally had enough, and his most recent response to the critics is outstanding.
Several people have fallen in love with Ty Pennington, the host of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, ever since he made an appearance on the well-liked BBC show Trading Spaces, where he worked as a carpenter. Being incredibly talented and attractive, it was no surprise that Ty was asked to host one of the greatest programs for the underprivileged.
Ty was in the spotlight as the show’s host, but being on the set had its costs. He had a hard time finding time for himself.
“I went ten years without seeing my family or a partner. In 2019, he told The Atlanta Constitution, “I would go out again, come home, do laundry.”
“My God! People from the old TV show exclaimed when they saw me. You look fantastic! I slept for a while! I think my appearance has improved significantly from the time I was on the show.

To be honest, Ty wasn’t always interested in being a builder. Instead, he intended to become a graphic designer and worked in construction to help pay for art school. However, his modeling career was derailed by a near-fatal car accident, so he resorted to carpentry.
“My career appeared to take off overnight. Sadly, fate had other ideas. I would be in a terrible vehicle accident only a week later,” he posted on Instagram. “I put my one good headshot on display, grabbed my handy tool bag, and returned to carpentry and construction. I received an audition call for Trading Spaces nine years later, and the rest is history.
He first made his Hollywood debut as a set designer for Nicholas Cage’s 1995 picture Leaving Las Vegas, but it wasn’t until he appeared as a builder on Trading Spaces—the show that upended preconceived notions about home remodeling—that he became well-known.
Ty moved on to other endeavors when Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, which had won him two Prime Time Emmy Awards, was canceled back in 2011. He appeared on The Revolution, an ABC chat show, and then On The Menu and American Diner Revival, two cookery programs. In addition, he launched a design store in Los Angeles. In addition to participating in the third season of Deluxe Corporation’s Small Business Revolution: Main Street, Ty renovated Trading Spaces in 2018. He was seen hosting Battle on the Beach most recently.
He wasn’t asked to return to Extreme Makeover: Home Edition when the show recently aired again, but he insisted there are no ill will or ill blood.

Ty currently hosts the program Rock the Block and serves as a mentor and design consultant on HGTV’s Battle on the Beach.
In November 2021, Ty tied the knot with 33-year-old Kellee Merrell, a social media manager. He announced the wonderful news on Instagram by sharing a picture with the remark, “It’s the ‘yes’ for me,” and proposed to her with a stunning tea-drop-shaped diamond ring.
Although they have known each other for a long time, they didn’t begin dating until last year when they happened to cross paths.
“I’ve long admired Kellee from a distance. Ty told People, “She’s a beautiful person on the inside and out.”
Fortunately, the proper moment finally came for our paths to cross. It’s one of those situations where being with someone makes you feel content. She altered my perception of marriage, which I had never held. I’m happy I held out for the one.
After several viewers pointed out that he no longer had a six-pack, the host shared a humorous video of him from the beach last year with his shorts hiked up to his stomach. He also remarked that “he was pushing his stomach out.”
“What was an honest moment of just trying to make my wife laugh, was then picked apart by strangers- with a lot of views, comes a lot of hate!” he said in a lengthy Instagram post titled “Thoughts on Aging,” in response to the criticism. Remarks such as “gross,” “disgusting,” “grandpa,” “he got fat,” “omg he’s so old now,” etc.And I pondered whether I would receive the same remarks if I was still in good health. “Maybe we should extend the same grace to men as we do to women? There has been such a force behind accepting all shapes and sizes and aging in the female community, which is AWESOME (keep it coming),” he said.
Of course, he was much younger than he is now when he made his television debut.

“Every day, I get a ton of comments like, ‘NOOOo, what happened to him????’ The other day, I heard someone say, “lack of exercise,” which I hope was accurate! Seven days a week, I work out harder than I have ever worked out in my life (this over 50 sh*t is no joke). It’s been 22 years since my television debut, so here’s what occurred! He penned. “No, I don’t have a six pack or a gorgeous head of hair with frosted tips anymore, but at 57 years old, I’ve never been happier! I do, however, have wisdom, empathy, and life lessons! All of this is to indicate, nevertheless, that I am a human being with feelings. Yes, I am older, but that’s kind of cool, in my opinion.
In our opinion, he looks fantastic.
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The True Meaning Behind “Barn Stars”

A barn star is a charming ornament that is frequently found above the door at the top of a barn.
They can be made out of metal stars or painted.Sometimes quilt blocks or hex signs are used in their place.
These items are there for a purpose, which is probably not what you initially assumed.
It turns out that barn stars are quite essential to German-American farmers.
They are placed atop barns to keep pests out or to promote healthy crop growth for the farmer.
It’s intriguing how each one may have a distinct color and significance.
For instance, a green barn star indicates good crop growth and fertility. On the other hand, a farmer, their family, and their possessions are protected when they have blue or black barn stars.
Conversely, Brown represents friendliness. Barn stars have an intriguing history.

The first barn star was applied in the 1830s. Barn stars are kind of vogue these days.
Every symbol represents a modification made to imported German traditional art from Europe.
The Amish are renowned for leading extremely austere lifestyles devoid of mainstream culture and contemporary technologies.
Among the various customs that have been carried down in this region over the years is the use of barn stars.
Even more intriguing is the fact that items that are frequently associated can have quite distinct meanings for someone whose family has deep links to Pennsylvania Dutch beliefs.
There are two rituals that run parallel to one other, according to Patrick Donmoyer: “There are the hex signs and then there are the barn stars.”
Barn Stars Could Provide Defense
Donmoyer oversees Kutztown University’s Pennsylvania German Cultural Heritage Center.
According to him, a lot of the hex signs appeared in various contexts, such as marriage certificates, to bestow good fortune upon newlyweds. or on grave markers to assist the deceased with finding peace in the hereafter.
For thousands of years, superstitions have existed, and they have all evolved over time to meet the changing needs of a global society.
Remarkably, barn stars lacked the significance or “power” that the majority of people believe them to have now.
Donmoyer states that these “were part of the agricultural way of life,” in fact.These were items that weren’t necessarily connected to paranormal ideas or occurrences.
Just so you know, hex signs originated on barns about a century after the barn stars.
Not All Hex Signs Are the Same
In order to create the hex signs, New England artist Wallace Nutting traveled to the Pennsylvania Dutch Country in 1924 and “misinterpreted” the original quilt squares or barn stars.
“He was talking about something real, but what he was talking about was missing,” Donmoyer stated.
He was discussing this concept of the hexenfoos, not the stars on the barn. He rearranged the two sections of the custom somewhat.
By the 1950s, these patterns were undergoing frequent changes and were a well-liked tourist destination.
All throughout Pennsylvania Dutch country, barn stars and quilt squares adorn barns as symbols of the ingenuity, toil, and customs of a people that have long perplexed the outside world.
These indicators highlight passed-down familial and cultural traditions.
Therefore, the Pennsylvania Dutch utilized barn stars to recall their ancestors and their homeland, despite the popular belief that they warded off evil.
Several cultures share a similar aspect.
Superstitions have a lengthy history, as was previously said.
Individuals think they can prevent evil, stop negative karma, and frequently bring money and happiness.
It should come as no surprise that many tribes and nations have modified their ancient symbols, such as barn stars, to safeguard homes and families from attack.
Om or Aum is a Buddhist and Hindu symbol.

For instance, the symbol Om is frequently employed to safeguard individuals during spiritual practices like meditation.
Though many people are familiar with the term or sound, the word itself can also have a visual meaning.
It is said to “purify” the body and psyche by striking a contented balance between tranquility and life’s challenges.
Horus’s Eye

Another example is Egypt’s Eye of Horus.
People think that the potent sign, which may be seen on jewelry or wall art from Egypt, has healing and protective properties.
Alternatively, the Hamsa Hand, which is supposed to ward against evil and bestow prosperity, health, and good fortune. It is found in the Middle East and the Mediterranean.
On November 4, 2018, the turtle-carved “Let It Stand” totem pole is seen at the East Gate of Algonquin Park in Ontario, Canada.
Another revered symbol that fascinates me is the turtle.
For African and Native American tribes, the turtle represents fertility, longevity, knowledge, and a sense of being rooted.
Helm of Wonder

A contemporary Icelandic magical symbol bearing the same name as a Norse mythological object is called the Hood of Fear or the Hood of Awe.
Not to mention, the Norse symbol known as the Helm of Awe is said to keep warriors safe during combat and intimidate their adversaries.
similar yet distinct
Although communication between people from other countries has been difficult, technological advancements have made it simpler to see the similarities between many cultures and nations.
Every one of these symbols has a unique name and significance.
Nevertheless, every sign is interpreted as a guarantee of security, prosperity, and well-being, serving as a reminder of the wishes our forefathers had for the future of our families and communities.
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