This is how you coach basketball. It begins before you even touch the ball, it begins with respect and gratitude that you even have a freedom to play, something that these future NBA stars wouldn’t be able to do if the boys their age didn’t pause their education and fight wars for it.

Singing a national anthem before any big sporting event has become show business. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW
I don’t mind Lady Gaga singing it but these kids gotta learn why it’s being performed and why they should respect it. The lesson Virginia Tech basketball coach Buzz Williams gave to his players will make you cry.
Awesome coach. Good job.
I don’t mind Lady Gaga singing it but these kids gotta learn why it’s being performed and why they should respect it. The lesson Virginia Tech basketball coach Buzz Williams gave to his players will make you cry.
Awesome coach. Good job.
Mind-Blowing Optical Illusion: Can You Spot the Hidden Horse in This Picture?
There’s a reason optical illusions are so popular around the world.
Let’s face it, who doesn’t like having a play around with perception? Who doesn’t like to be frustratingly mystified when they can’t see something others can with ease?
From time to time, we stumble across puzzles that truly leave us stumped, and part of the fun is then sharing it with others to see who can – for lack of better words – crack the code.
Well, one such image has surfaced on the web … one that has people busting their brains and scratching their scalps for an answer. See if you’re one of the lucky few who can see what most people can’t.

The picture above is a classic illusion; one that at first glance is as confusing as it is difficult to decipher. Of course, the great thing about such optical tricks is that once you’ve solved them, you can’t be fooled again.
The image in question hides an image within an image. So, when you look at it, what do you see?
Do you see a frog? Do you see a horse? Do you see both?
If it’s one of the first two, then we have something to tell you. Both are in the image, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be able to make them both out.

The horse
Still don’t see it? OK, we’ll give you a hint.
The image doesn’t contain an entire horse, just the head and neck.
Found if yet? Still no?
Right … have a look over by the lily pad – it has a rather odd texture, wouldn’t you agree?
Still haven’t found it? Well … the frog’s body is the horses head. Bear that in mind and try again. Good luck!
Did you see both the horse and the frog without needing help?
If you’ve managed to see both, share this article on Facebook and challenge your friends and family to a bit of fun!
Almost everyone sees the frog in the image … but finding the horse is where things get tricky. Have a closer look.
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