Recently, on Fox News’ “The Five,” tensions flared during a segment discussing the presidential campaigns of Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump. Co-hosts Jesse Watters and Jessica Tarlov found themselves in a heated exchange when Watters offered his views on the Biden administration.
Watters highlighted various challenges facing Biden’s campaign, incIuding dissatisfaction among Americans with the current state of the economy. Additionally, he criticized Biden for seeking endorsements from cultural figures like Taylor Swift, characterizing it as a sign of desperation.
Referencing a New York Times report on Biden’s reelection strategy, Watters remarked, “Nothing to do with each other. I read this article in The New York Times, this is the Biden reelection strategy, are you ready? Don’t run on ‘Bidenomics’, leave the White House more than once a week, ask Bill and Barack to raise money for you and hope a pop star endorses you. Jessica, this is not the reelection strategy of a winning campaign.”
In response, Tarlov brought up the E. Jean Carroll controversy invoIving Trump. She referenced a recent New York jury decision ordering Trump to pay over $83 million in damages to Carroll for defamation related to her se**al assault accusations.
Watters countered by expressing his desire for Swift’s endorsement, adding, “I love that you ignored what I just said. Because that was the news from the weekend on that side. And then Joe Biden was 15 minutes—“
The panel continued to spar, with TarIov pressing Watters on the Carroll case verdict. Trump, meanwhile, voiced his disagreement with the jury’s decision, stating his intention to appeal the case and criticizing what he perceived as a politicized legal system.
“Absolutely ridiculous! I fully disagree with both verdicts, and will be appealing this whole Biden Directed Witch Hunt focused on me and the Republican Party. Our LegaI System is out of control, and being used as a Political Weapon. They have taken away all First Amendment Rights. THIS IS NOT AMERICA!” Trump remarked regarding the legal proceedings
A Wrestler’s Choice: Sticking to His Beliefs
Making sacrifices for your beliefs and sticking up for what you believe in is admirable. The 18-year-old Colorado native and former high school wrestler Brendan Johnston is all too familiar with this. Brendan made a risky choice in 2018 that essentially put a stop to his high school wrestling career. He declined to compete in two state tournament matches against female opponents, citing personal and religious convictions as his justification.
In recent years, the question of whether it is fair to compete physically between adult males and adult girls has gained more and more attention. Many people think it’s unjust to expect men and women to compete on an equal footing because they are fundamentally different from one other, both biologically and in other ways.
Brendan objected to the thought of going up against Skyview High’s Jaslynn Gallegos in the state tournament’s opening round. He also declined to take part in his consolation match against Valley High’s Angel Rios in the third round as a senior at Colorado Springs’ Classical Academy. An interview with KDVR provided a Christian explanation of Brendan’s choice. He said he felt it was too violent and physically uncomfortable to wrestle with a girl. He added that his background and religious beliefs had influenced how he saw women’s roles and distinctions from men.
It’s critical to remember that Brendan’s choice has repercussions. He finished sixth in the tournament while Jaslynn and Angel finished fourth and fifth, respectively, as a result of not wrestling the two females.
While acknowledging Brendan’s decision, Jaslynn voiced her disappointment at not being able to challenge him. Her gender doesn’t define her ability; she views herself first and foremost as a wrestler. She is aware, nevertheless, that social judgments can still hinder her.
Brendan made a contentious decision that sparked debates and dissenting views. How do you feel about Brendan’s choice not to engage in a wrestling match with a female? We would be delighted to hear your opinions.
To learn more about Brendan’s choice and its effects, watch this video:
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